today i learned (til)

“Quacking the Code” – Rubber Ducks in IT

When asked to think about a rubber duck, the average person would probably envision a yellow toy that kids play with, usually when taking...
today i learned (til)

“Quacking the Code” – Rubber Ducks in IT

When asked to think about a rubber duck, the average person would probably envision a yellow toy that kids play with, usually when taking...

Lava Lamps – A Surprising Beacon of Light for Internet Encryption

In the realm of Internet security, where digital threats loom large and data protection is paramount, innovative solutions often emerge from unexpected sources. One...

The Syrinx: The Musical Instrument For Rose-Ringed Parakeets

The rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) also known as the ring-necked parakeet, is a medium-sized bird species that is native to the Indian subcontinent as...

Caffeine: A Neuroprotective Agent Against Adenosine Receptors

Effects of Caffeine Caffeine a widely consumed psychoactive stimulant mostly found in drinks such as coffee, tea, matcha, and other popular energy drinks is known...
today i learned (til)
Hollie Blake

The Paleo Phenomenon

It seems like every other day, a friend of mine declares a newfound dedication to the Paleo Diet.  Nicknamed the “Caveman Diet,” Paleo is...
Destiny Cobb

Biology bucket list: algal blooms

Greetings biophiles! What do algal blooms, great white sharks, and okapis all have in common? They’re all absolutely fascinating and they're all on my...
Margeaux Comerford

Mistaken concepts: the taste buds

OK, kids, we need to talk. No, you’re not in trouble. The people in trouble are health, anatomy, and psychology teachers who try to...
Gordon Waller

Let me check in the back: how 3D printing will revolutionize...

  Allow me to transport your mind for a moment. The year is 1999, being an “internet company” is still a viable business model, and...
Katelyn Sturdivant

Baaah Bye, Kudzu!

Would you ever think sheep could be used in the place of a lawn mower? How could an animal do the same job as...
Andrew St. James

The Horny Human’s Siberian Adventure: An Evolutionary Tale of Anthropological Proportions

Let me set the mood for you: you’re an anatomically modern human living in mountains of Siberia. The year is circa 80,000 BC. Siberia...