today i learned (til)

“Quacking the Code” – Rubber Ducks in IT

When asked to think about a rubber duck, the average person would probably envision a yellow toy that kids play with, usually when taking...
today i learned (til)

“Quacking the Code” – Rubber Ducks in IT

When asked to think about a rubber duck, the average person would probably envision a yellow toy that kids play with, usually when taking...

Lava Lamps – A Surprising Beacon of Light for Internet Encryption

In the realm of Internet security, where digital threats loom large and data protection is paramount, innovative solutions often emerge from unexpected sources. One...

The Syrinx: The Musical Instrument For Rose-Ringed Parakeets

The rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) also known as the ring-necked parakeet, is a medium-sized bird species that is native to the Indian subcontinent as...

Caffeine: A Neuroprotective Agent Against Adenosine Receptors

Effects of Caffeine Caffeine a widely consumed psychoactive stimulant mostly found in drinks such as coffee, tea, matcha, and other popular energy drinks is known...
today i learned (til)
Rakiya Winton


 Exams……projects……homework assignments, it never ends! In turn, the anxiety begins to manifest. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 19.1% of U.S....
Noah Chong

Taste of Science: Spicy Science

As the leaning tower of Jenga pieces fell after a heated battle of, what my friends and I liked to call "Spicy Jenga", I could only dread...
Lee Wilkes

E-Stim and Muscle

Way back when the internet was just a dream, electricity was seen as a means to power machines, to make life easier, and to...
Caroline Gellene

LSD and Scientific Advancement

LSD. Acid. Lucy. Whatever you decide to call it, lysergic acid diethylamide has been illegal for years in most countries world-wide despite a lack...
Alex Gurgis

Master Memory

Whether you are cramming for an exam, or simply trying to remember your grocery list, memory is involved in practically every part of everyday...
Eileen Zhu

Sleeping Position Matters

When I woke up today, I found that my neck and shoulder were extremely sore. I was totally fine last night before bed and...