Ricardo Martinez

Ricardo is an undergrad student. He isn’t sure why he’s writing this in the third person but has decided to uphold precedent.
9 Articles written
today i learned (til)

Wildlife around campus

The following pictures were all taken at Georgia Tech on May 4th. They capture only a tiny portion of the wildlife on campus.

La Balada del Gringo Perdido

Este artículo fue escrito en el 2012 por el profesor Joe Mendelson, director de investigación en el zoológico de Atlanta e instructor en Georgia...

Common Cat-astrophes

Finding and trying (usually unsuccessfully) to pet street cats is often one of the highlights of my day. Nevertheless, it is always somewhat bittersweet...

One flesh, two minds

A good way to stop seizures is to simply cut the brain in half. Such a procedure isn’t performed after one or two episodes,...

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