A Spotlight on Black Licorice and its Darker Side
Black licorice. You either love it or you hate it. Some delight in the intense spice flavor that comes with a bite of licorice...
Coffee Chemistry
Written by Julia Raver and Lauren Mellinger
Coffee – an integral part of your morning routine. You wake up and groggily walk to the kitchen...
A Picture Can be Worth a Thousand Words…or Dollars
Whether you dabble in it or appreciate it, we come across art in any shape or form several times in our daily lives-- especially...
Butterfly Pea Flower Tea
A cup of tea brings feelings of peace and serenity to mind. Whether it be a rainy day or cold evening, drinking a warm...
Carbon Negative Concrete???
As Industrial Design major who’s future career will most likely consist of creating a wide variety of products, something that is a big concern...
From Flaky to Fabulous
Alpha hydroxy acids. Beta hydroxy acids. These sound like complicated and possibly dangerous chemical compounds you would learn about in high-level chemistry classes, right?...