today i learned (til)
Does a Full Moon effect our Sleep?
There are many myths surrounding the effects of a full moon on humans from higher rates of insanity to our sleep cycles. But you're...
My Experiences Being a TA for a STEM Class in My Major (Intro to Biomedical Engineering Design)
During your time at Georgia Tech, as a STEM major, one of the things that you might choose to do is to TA a...
Treating U87 EGFP Glibolastoma Cells with Nickel Sulfate!
Part of the reward of being a Biomedical Engineer is the opportunity to explore fascinating and cutting-edge work that teaches me new skills and...
The Amazing Race: Citrus Circuit GoSTEM Reflection
This semester, STEMComm was invited to participate in the Latino College & STEM Fair, hosted for k-middle grade schoolers to engage and learn about...
To Zoo or Not to Zoo: a Story of Harambe
If you have been online at all the past couple of months, you have probably ran into Harambe--the latest meme hot off of the...
Could Aliens be Living in Our Solar System?
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Water: the ultimate resource. We depend on it to survive, but Earth is not the only place with a substantial amount of...
When Citrus Gets Lethal
So, the other day I got a new prescription, and as I skimmed through the 300 pages of side effect warnings (okay… maybe it...
Badass Biology: Humanity’s Most Important Adaptation
Badass Biology: Humanity’s most badass adaptation
At some point, modern humans started believing that we are somehow special, that we are the center of creation...
The Art of Getting Robbed with Gringo Perdido
As a US citizen who travels internationally to conduct research, I’m well aware of the perception that gringos = $$. Sometimes that perception is...
Badass Biology: Bat Echolocation
Vision is awesomely complicated. A lot of animals, like the hawk, use vision to detect important environmental cues from vast distances. They use complex...