Fact to Fiction: The Real Science Behind Superhero Abilities
The power of invisibility is one that I have always found to be fascinating, there are many things you could do if you were...
Fact to Fiction: The Real Science Behind Superhero Abilities
Superheroes have become such an essential part of pop culture, captivating us with powers far beyond what we know as humanly possible. You likely...
Does a Full Moon effect our Sleep?
There are many myths surrounding the effects of a full moon on humans from higher rates of insanity to our sleep cycles. But you're...
My Experiences Being a TA for a STEM Class in My Major (Intro to Biomedical Engineering Design)
During your time at Georgia Tech, as a STEM major, one of the things that you might choose to do is to TA a...
The Evolution from Fossil to Monster
Humankind as a species is over 200,000 years old. We are travelers, storytellers, and connoisseurs of legends and tales. For thousands of years,...
Three Dog Star Night (Part 1)
I am just old enough to remember a time when most textbooks only spoke of exoplanets (i.e. those outside our solar system) in the...
The Undersea Bone Devourer
Osedax, from the Latin os, oris (bone) and edāx, edācis (devourer), is a genus of undersea worms that consumes bone. A genus (which is...
The von Neumann Architecture
The von Neumann Architecture
Have you ever wondered how your computer works? Who decided that we should use keyboards to tell our devices what to...
Making Bad Decisions: The Science of Decision-Making
Ever wonder why you make such bad decisions. We make around 35,000 decisions every day, and they can’t all be good. There...
A World with New Plastic
Plastic pollution continues to be a growing environmental issue. Around 79% of plastic is gathered in either landfills or natural environments. Due to...