Fact to Fiction: The Real Science Behind Superhero Abilities
The power of invisibility is one that I have always found to be fascinating, there are many things you could do if you were...
Fact to Fiction: The Real Science Behind Superhero Abilities
Superheroes have become such an essential part of pop culture, captivating us with powers far beyond what we know as humanly possible. You likely...
Does a Full Moon effect our Sleep?
There are many myths surrounding the effects of a full moon on humans from higher rates of insanity to our sleep cycles. But you're...
My Experiences Being a TA for a STEM Class in My Major (Intro to Biomedical Engineering Design)
During your time at Georgia Tech, as a STEM major, one of the things that you might choose to do is to TA a...
Vinyl is Better than Digital Music
Hear that music??? That, my friend, is the sound of classic vinyl...
You know that round spinning thingy that plays music that your grandparents and/or...
Direct Fusion Drive— It IS Rocket Science!
Rockets had their humble start in 13th century China: bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder, attached to arrows, to be shot at Mongol invaders. Seven...
Are You Smiling Under Your Face Mask?
Adaptation of Tokyo Japan during daytime photo – Free Person Image on Unsplash
Well, I can’t tell and neither can the children growing up in...
Deep Philosophical Questions About the Universe
Are you currently laying in bed in the wee-hours of the morning and are wondering... what even is life?? Why on EARTH am I...
Astrophysics, Loving Science, and Inspiring: An Interview with Dr. Storchi Bergmann
Dr. Thaisa Storchi Bergmann is a Brazilian female astrophysicist whose work on LINER-type galaxies is shaping the way we currently look at space. My...
The Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker: A Well Traveled Woodpecker
The Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker: A Well Traveled Woodpecker
The yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) is a woodpecker that has a wide range across North America. In summer,...