today i learned (til)

The Science of Why We Love Music

Why do patterns of sound have so much power over us, stirring our emotions, evoking memories, and leaving a permanent impact on us? Music...
today i learned (til)

The Science of Why We Love Music

Why do patterns of sound have so much power over us, stirring our emotions, evoking memories, and leaving a permanent impact on us? Music...

Medieval Medicinal Remedies Not to Try at Home

In the medieval era, medicinal practices were influenced by a blend of herbalism, superstition, and early medical theories. This led to an array of...

Astronomy of the Ancient Skies

The night sky has captured people’s imagination for cultures across the world throughout human history. From the ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians to the Mayans...

Science During the Age of Enlightenment

The 17th and 18th centuries were a time of profound transformation in Europe in regards to thought, reason, skepticism, and empirical observation. This was...
today i learned (til)
Amy Nguyen

The Joy of Humanity and Clothing: Growing Culture and Protecting Our...

While exploring the world of clothing and textiles, I created a collage of videos based off what I consider to be “The Joy of...
Amy Nguyen

The Omnivore’s Dilemma: What Will You Put on Your Plate?

The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals written by Michael Pollan is an intriguing book about the current food situation of America...
Ashu Gupta

Coloring Space Green

“It appears a colonization of the moon could become a reality,” state Cornell University researchers R. W. Langhans and D. R. Dreesen hopefully in...
Emmaly Nguyen

All About the April 2024 Eclipse

Eclipses are captivating astronomical phenomena that occur when the alignment of celestial bodies results in one object obscuring another, either partially or entirely. This...
Ashu Gupta

What’s Up (Literally) With Cloud Seeding?

Dubai, one of the richest and driest cities in the world, is flooding. Many have been quick to blame cloud seeding, a climate-engineering strategy...
Dhruv Kulkarni

Growing Red Gold

Saffron is the world's most expensive spice. Its rich red stigmas and the difficulty in growing and harvesting it lend it the name of...