Field Notes

HackMITea: A Hackathon From the Eyes of a Physics Major

Recently, I've had the opportunity to visit a friend up north and experience my first ever hackathon, hosted by none other than MIT. Every...

HackMITea: A Hackathon From the Eyes of a Physics Major

Recently, I've had the opportunity to visit a friend up north and experience my first ever hackathon, hosted by none other than MIT. Every...

A day in the life of a field ecologist

Details from my summer experience conducting fieldwork in the Colorado Rockies Photo caption: View of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, with Gothic Mountain towering above. 4:30...

Collaboration is Key!

As a senior in college, about to graduate with an engineering degree, I've come to actually appreciate the dreaded "group project" - and trust...

3 Free Applications for STEM Majors (That You’ll Actually Use)

As STEM majors, if you look up helpful apps to help you while studying or writing papers, you’ll get a lot of listicles of...
Field Notes
Joe Mendelson

Cultural Collisions with Gringo Perdido

In case you’ve ever wondered what happens to the items that are too lame to re-sell in thrift stores in our culture, they eventually...
Joe Mendelson

The Ballad of Gringo Perdido

Herpetology and getting lost. These are the two driving themes of my life. They have shaped my career and enabled me to discover species...
Gordon Waller

Grad School Confidential: Danger Zone

I am sitting. More specifically, I am waiting. Waiting on the box in front of me, a box that reminds me of my grandmother's...