Seven Computer Science Jobs that Aren’t Coding Heavy!

                 Do not worry, you’re not alone! Graphic drawn by Devi Connor.

Are you majoring in computer science or already have a degree in computer science, but find yourself not passionate about coding 8 hours a day for the rest of your career? Do you crave more other than software coding, such as using your people skills or artistic skills? Well, look no further! I have researched about 7 different jobs that you, as a major in computer science, can apply for that are not coding-heavy. This is definitely not an exhaustive list of all the jobs you can apply to as a computer science major that aren’t coding heavy, but it’s just enough to get you thinking of all the endless options out there! Tell your other computer science friends who also feel the same way as you do! Your options are never limited. Your skills are so versatile, take a look at some of the jobs below.

1) Project Manager

Do you like planning ahead and prefer to be a leader in group projects? A project manager job might just be what you’re looking for! Project managers plan, execute, and complete projects by overseeing team members (such as a group of computer scientists) to make sure that they are performing their duties sufficiently. Project managers formulate benchmarks and deadlines for their team to complete, and work to meet regulatory and company standards.

  • Average Annual Salary in U.S: $88,907


2) IT Support Specialist 

IT Support Specialists are responsible for responding to technical issues and they work with IT departments, computer manufacturers (such as Dell or Apple), and retail stores. They assist customers and employees with software, network, and hardware issues.

  • Average Annual Salary in U.S: $58,332


3) Graphic Designer

If you have a talent or passion for visual design, graphic designing might be for you! Graphic designers are responsible for using design software such as (e.g: Adobe Photoshop or GIMP) to create logos, images, and other visual representations for clients and various companies. You may be responsible for creating web page designs, logos, and flyers.

  • Average Annual Salary in U.S: $47,334


4) Technical Recruiter

Technical recruiters utilize their people skills to recruit, interview, and present potential employees for IT positions. Technical recruiters have strong communication and interviewing skills, and are knowledgeable of the fundamental responsibilities of certain IT positions that candidates may apply for. 

  • Average Annual Salary in U.S: $56,747


5) Data Analyst

Are you a detail-oriented person? Well, a data analyst might be the job for you! Data analysts analyze data sets and identify departmental trends. They use data software along with market research and statistic to report their findings and predications to shareholders and executives to help guide their decision-making.

  • Average Annual Salary in U.S: $70,353


6) Technical Writers

If you like writing, this job is suited for you! Technical writers are responsible for writing technical materials such as resource guides, user manuals, and publications. Technical writers must possess a deep knowledge of their industry, and must know certain writing guidelines, grammar, and spelling.

  • Average Annual Salary in U.S: $68,555


7) Software Testing Engineer

As a software test engineer, you will be responsible for creating the methodologies used for testing software programs and conducting automated and manual tests to find bugs and determine software output. You will run reports and analyze the testing results to make recommendations for improvements on the software.

  • Average Annual Salary in U.S: $ 87,110



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