today i learned (til)

Does a Full Moon effect our Sleep?

There are many myths surrounding the effects of a full moon on humans from higher rates of insanity to our sleep cycles. But you're...
full moon picture
today i learned (til)

Does a Full Moon effect our Sleep?

There are many myths surrounding the effects of a full moon on humans from higher rates of insanity to our sleep cycles. But you're...

My Experiences Being a TA for a STEM Class in My Major (Intro to Biomedical Engineering Design)

  During your time at Georgia Tech, as a STEM major, one of the things that you might choose to do is to TA a...

Treating U87 EGFP Glibolastoma Cells with Nickel Sulfate!

Part of the reward of being a Biomedical Engineer is the opportunity to explore fascinating and cutting-edge work that teaches me new skills and...

The Amazing Race: Citrus Circuit GoSTEM Reflection

This semester, STEMComm was invited to participate in the Latino College & STEM Fair, hosted for k-middle grade schoolers to engage and learn about...
today i learned (til)
Hollie Blake

Earth Day Festival Turns A Gray Day Green

In 1970, 100,000 people gathered in Washington DC to protest the Vietnam War.  The deaths of Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin that year had...
Kevin Wolfe

Badass Biology: The Pistol Shrimp

“Wtf, shrimp!!? I make it all the way to this website from who knows what part of the internet, and I see 'Badass Biology'....
Margeaux Comerford

Check it out!: SciShow

The concept of a series of YouTube videos specifically designed to teach science is one that may scare the casual viral video watcher away....
Hollie Blake

Let’s Get Physical – a pumpin’ playlist to get you moving

Picture a typical 1985 aerobic dancersize class at the local YMCA.  Bright spandex, side pony-tails, colored leg warmers, metallic leotards.  Lots of makeup, minimal...
Hollie Blake

The Science behind ‘Frenemies’

High school can be very painful for anyone who is the slightest bit different.  Thankfully, I’m 5 years removed from it but my little...
Margeaux Comerford

Dive Log

In this day and age, it is so very common to lose ourself in the monotony of our daily lives, the sound as our...