Story Time

So You Hate Your Major… Now What?

Imposter syndrome is a phrase that many people in academia are uniquely familiar with. The feeling that maybe you aren’t smart enough for your...
Story Time

So You Hate Your Major… Now What?

Imposter syndrome is a phrase that many people in academia are uniquely familiar with. The feeling that maybe you aren’t smart enough for your...
Drawing of a flowerpot with a thesis, pencil, and grad cap.

Diary of an Undergraduate Thesis: The Finale

This is a continuation of my first article from last semester where I started my undergraduate thesis writing process. You can find that here. --------------------------------- January...

Is Love Truly Blind? An Analysis of the Popular Dating Show

From its initial debut on Netflix in 2020, Love is Blind has captured audiences and secured itself as one of the most popular dating...
HAL 9000 from Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film, "2001: A Space Odyssey"

Science Fiction – A Blessing or Curse to Emerging Discoveries?

When you think of robots, does your mind jump first to ABB Robotics and Mitsubishi Electric, or to R2-D2, HAL 9000, and WALL-E? If...
Story Time
Ivana Olivo

My Experience (so far) as a Woman in CS

Women in STEM! Women in STEM! Women in STEM! It seems as though every conversation I have had with a woman I just met in...
Reggie Slater

A Letter to Fellow Struggling Students

Hi. I'm a 4th year student, and sometimes I almost can't believe it. For those like me who have also struggled in their studies here...
Isabella Areiza

Why Design?

One of the most challenging questions I am asked as a designer is why I chose the study path I chose. I am often...
Lindsay Rogers

Dressing Up as Dora for Science

What’s the first thing you notice about this photo? Maybe it’s the girl in the paper towel shirt with a tin foil backpack posing...
Abby Sim

A Reflection On Divisive Foods: Coconut Water

Everyone’s relationship with food is a unique one and often changes and fluctuates over time. For some, it’s simply a means of survival, and...
Sachit Swaminathan

Never Heard of Biomedical Engineering? Let me tell you what it’s...

For anyone interested in going into Engineering, there are no shortage of disciplines that you can go into at Georgia Tech. You could major...