Field Notes

HackMITea: A Hackathon From the Eyes of a Physics Major

Recently, I've had the opportunity to visit a friend up north and experience my first ever hackathon, hosted by none other than MIT. Every...

HackMITea: A Hackathon From the Eyes of a Physics Major

Recently, I've had the opportunity to visit a friend up north and experience my first ever hackathon, hosted by none other than MIT. Every...

A day in the life of a field ecologist

Details from my summer experience conducting fieldwork in the Colorado Rockies Photo caption: View of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, with Gothic Mountain towering above. 4:30...

Collaboration is Key!

As a senior in college, about to graduate with an engineering degree, I've come to actually appreciate the dreaded "group project" - and trust...

3 Free Applications for STEM Majors (That You’ll Actually Use)

As STEM majors, if you look up helpful apps to help you while studying or writing papers, you’ll get a lot of listicles of...
Field Notes
Clay Miller

Three Dog Star Night (Part 4)

Welcome back to our discussion on the Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox! If you haven’t read part 1, part 2, and part 3...
Ricardo Martinez

Two symbols, infinite meanings

What do you think the following means? 1010 One-thousand and ten, right? What if I told you that it meant four-thousand one-hundred and twelve? Or three-hundred...
Clay Miller

Three Dog Star Night (Part 3)

Welcome back to our discussion on the Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox! If you haven’t read parts 1 and 2 already, it goes...
Ivana Olivo

The Science of Baking Pt.2

Introduction Welcome to Part 2 of The Science of Baking! Since this is the second installment of the series, I would recommend going back and...
Ivana Olivo

CS4641 Project 3: Neural Networks Reflection

Introduction If you have read my last article, you know that we have been here before. Although I talked about the process of completing and...
Cassandra Lund

Where do Great Blue Herons catch their snacks?

Introduction Great blue herons are part of the Ardea genus, which is a genus of birds that includes the herons, egrets, and bitterns. These birds...