Hippopotamuses(not, hippomotami) are the third largest land mammal, following elephants and white rhinos. They are semi aquatic animals, so they enjoy the best of both worlds. If you’ve ever been to the zoo, you’ve probably seen them peeking out of the water with their little floppy ears. It’s quite cute, take a visit if you haven’t. Despite them being known as “water puppies”, hippos are actually pretty dangerous. Not only can they weigh up to 5 tons, but their mouths can open up to a whopping 150 degrees(obtuse angle for you math nerds). You definitely don’t wanna be caught in their mouths.
There are actually two types of hippos: regular hippos and pygmy hippos. Pygmy hippos are much much smaller, weighing up to only about 600 lbs(African Wildlife Foundation). They’re not nearly as tall either, only getting up to about 5 ft in length. They’re like mini hippos. They’re also quite adorable, some may argue even more so than their larger counterparts. Now they do have different scientific names, which I find extremely interesting. According to the San Diego Wildlife Alliance, the common hippos scientific name is Hippopotamus amphibius while pygmies are called Choeropsis liberiensis. They’re cousins, not siblings. Both water puppies are herbivores and are unfortunately prey to other animals like lions and crocodiles. I imagine pygmies are much easier targets, which is so sad because they are SO cute. They’re also targeted by humans, for their meat and ivory tusks(African Wildlife Foundation). Really people? Elephants, rhinos, and now hippos? We really need to stop hunting animals, especially the big and cute(but deadly) ones. I actually saw a TikTok a couple days ago about a 50 year old White African Elephant that is now being guarded by soldiers 24/7 to prevent poaching attempts. This is the energy we need to give to all endangered animals. And stop killing them for money! Capitalism. The only creatures I’d happily allowed to be “poached” are wasps. They are the most annoying and quite frankly rude little pests to ever buzz around this earth. Yes, I do go to a school whose mascot is the Yellow Jacket. Buzz would never hurt me though.
Anyways, back to hippos. The reason I’m writing this article is to hopefully give you a 3-5 minute distraction from whatever tasks you may be doing(grading papers, doing homework, sending riveting emails, realizing that climate change is rapidly sucking the life out of our dear planet, etc). I’m talking about hippos because of this new sensation that has been born at a Thailand Zoo.
Meet Moo Deng, a baby pygmy hippo who has taken over the internet. Moo Deng, or translated “Bouncy Pork” is famous because of her lovable personality(Jaijongkit, 2024).
All she does is run around her enclosure and wreak havoc. She doesn’t like baths, she refuses to eat unless it’s on her own terms, and she is constantly bothering her mom. She’s made the zoo a hit and people have traveled thousands of miles just to see her. Would I ever travel across the world for a hippo? Maybe. After reading this article, let me know if you go see her, or her siblings(yes, there’s more of them!)
Baby hippos can’t swim, here’s a pic of a baby hippo getting bounced around the floor by his mommy. 2020. Reddit, https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/nkpdsl/baby_hippos_cant_swim_heres_a_pic_of_a_baby_hippo/. Accessed 2024.
Big Craig Of The Amboseli: A 50 Year Old Male African Elephant Whose Tusks Weigh 100 Lbs Each & Is Guarded From Poachers By Maasai Warriors 24/7. 2023. Reddit, https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/comments/14s9kbm/big_craig_of_the_amboseli_a_50_year_old_male/. Accessed 2024.
Jaijongkit, Por. “Explaining the Food Names of Moo Deng and Company.” Medium, Medium, 28 Sept. 2024, medium.com/@pjaijongkit/explaining-the-food-names-of-moo-deng-and-company-916eff75e107.
Lover, Hippo. Cute Hippo. 2024. Instagram, https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/nkpdsl/baby_hippos_cant_swim_heres_a_pic_of_a_baby_hippo/. Accessed 2024.
“Hippopotamus.” African Wildlife Foundation, African Wildlife Foundation, www.awf.org/wildlife-conservation/hippopotamus. Accessed 15 Nov. 2024.
“Pygmy Hippopotamus.” San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Animals and Plants, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Animals and Plants, animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/pygmy-hippopotamus. Accessed 15 Nov. 2024.