today i learned (til)

“Quacking the Code” – Rubber Ducks in IT

When asked to think about a rubber duck, the average person would probably envision a yellow toy that kids play with, usually when taking...
today i learned (til)

“Quacking the Code” – Rubber Ducks in IT

When asked to think about a rubber duck, the average person would probably envision a yellow toy that kids play with, usually when taking...

Lava Lamps – A Surprising Beacon of Light for Internet Encryption

In the realm of Internet security, where digital threats loom large and data protection is paramount, innovative solutions often emerge from unexpected sources. One...

The Syrinx: The Musical Instrument For Rose-Ringed Parakeets

The rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) also known as the ring-necked parakeet, is a medium-sized bird species that is native to the Indian subcontinent as...

Caffeine: A Neuroprotective Agent Against Adenosine Receptors

Effects of Caffeine Caffeine a widely consumed psychoactive stimulant mostly found in drinks such as coffee, tea, matcha, and other popular energy drinks is known...
today i learned (til)
Rachel Weng

Atlanta Science Festival After-Party Event Reflection

I joined STEMComm this semester because I was interested in writing articles centered around science and helping out with coordinating events. This semester I...
Claire Deng

Existential Physics: Why Physics is Important for You

Existential Physics opens with an anecdote about a difficult question a young man posed the author during outreach: because of quantum physics, his deceased...
Michelle Stanek

Is the Dark Web a Playground for Criminals or a Tool...

Lurking beneath the surface of the normal internet lies the dark web, a labyrinthine network of hidden websites accessible only through specialized software. Often...
Michelle Stanek

Privacy in the Age of Surveillance

In the digital age, the lines between public and private have blurred. Our every click, swipe, and purchase leaves a trail of data, meticulously...
Michelle Stanek

Can Algorithms Deliver Justice?

While scales of justice have long been a symbol of fairness and impartiality, that has never been completely accurate. Racial, gender, and class has...
Jalen Borne

A science communicator takes a communications class?!

Even though I have been involved with the STEMComm VIP team for almost four full years now, I have never taken the time to...