Story Time

Science Fiction – A Blessing or Curse to Emerging Discoveries?

When you think of robots, does your mind jump first to ABB Robotics and Mitsubishi Electric, or to R2-D2, HAL 9000, and WALL-E? If...
HAL 9000 from Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film, "2001: A Space Odyssey"
Story Time

Science Fiction – A Blessing or Curse to Emerging Discoveries?

When you think of robots, does your mind jump first to ABB Robotics and Mitsubishi Electric, or to R2-D2, HAL 9000, and WALL-E? If...
Adult African-American man wearing a black mask talks about presentation titled "Building Better Batteries".

A science communicator takes a communications class?!

Even though I have been involved with the STEMComm VIP team for almost four full years now, I have never taken the time to...

HackMITea: A Hackathon From the Eyes of a Physics Major

Recently, I've had the opportunity to visit a friend up north and experience my first ever hackathon, hosted by none other than MIT. Every...
Cartoon Dragon and fire with the title Dragon's Breath

Stem-Tober 2023 | Cereal or a Rock?

StemComm'sĀ Fall 2023 event was Stem-toberĀ Block Party! We invited everyone to join us for a fun evening with science-based activities, prizes, and more! We had...
Story Time
Ashu Gupta

Science Fiction – A Blessing or Curse to Emerging Discoveries?

When you think of robots, does your mind jump first to ABB Robotics and Mitsubishi Electric, or to R2-D2, HAL 9000, and WALL-E? If...
Jalen Borne

A science communicator takes a communications class?!

Even though I have been involved with the STEMComm VIP team for almost four full years now, I have never taken the time to...
Nathan Nguyen

HackMITea: A Hackathon From the Eyes of a Physics Major

Recently, I've had the opportunity to visit a friend up north and experience my first ever hackathon, hosted by none other than MIT. Every...
Emmaly Nguyen

Stem-Tober 2023 | Cereal or a Rock?

StemComm'sĀ Fall 2023 event was Stem-toberĀ Block Party! We invited everyone to join us for a fun evening with science-based activities, prizes, and more! We had...
Bavisha Rajesh

The Mask Against COVID-19

Dr. Sundaresan Jayaraman, a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, here at Georgia Tech worked on finding a form-fitting mask that...
Kelsey Brew

Collaboration is Key!

As a senior in college, about to graduate with an engineering degree, I've come to actually appreciate the dreaded "group project" - and trust...